How it works?

Step 1 : Download App

 Download our Money 5050 mobile app and sign up to create your account.

Step 2 : Recharge Your Wallet

To add money to your wallet

Step 3 : Join an Offer

Select any offer that best suits your earning goals

Step 4 : Add Free Digital Gifts

Select your free eGifts and add them

Step 5 : Share On Social Media

Share our unique link on any social media to promote us

Step 6 : Promote To 1 User

Send help to 1 user displayed on your screen

Step 7 : Activate Your Offer

To unlock its full earning potential and you become eligible to receive your profits.

Step 8 : Track Your Ranking

Wait to you Reach at No.1 Rank in your offer's ranking system.
You receives your profits as per your selected offer.

Step 9 : Start Receiving Your Profits

We share upto 3x to 5x profit from own profits with our every user.
Received profits will be added to your wallet instantly.

Step 10 : Withdraw Your Income

You can withdraw your funds from wallet anytime.